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Lundell Plastics

Where Innovation Takes Shape.

Which Planting Products Are Right For You?

Planter with Lundell ExtrAcre hopper extenders

While everyone's goal for planting season is always the same (getting the seed in the ground), the approach might differ from one grower to the next. Whether you're looking to maximize time in the field or want to go the extra mile to ensure the seed gets to where it needs to go, Lundell Plastics has the solutions to help you make the most of planting. Find out which products best suit your needs this year. 

Looking To Increase Efficiencies?

If you're looking to maximize every bit of time out in the field, Lundell Plastics has the solutions to keep you moving forward once the planting season begins. The best Lundell Plastic products for increased efficiencies include: 

FreeFlo Bulk Fill Tubes

FreeFlo Bulk Fill Tubes are perfect for bulk fill applications where extended telescoping lengths are not required. They are compact yet flexible, allowing for easy tube positioning when loading your bulk fill the planter.

FreeFlo Telescoping Tubes

FreeFlo Telescoping Tubes help you make quick work of seed loading. They extend and retract to distribute seed easier, faster, and with less spillage.

FreeFlo Wireless Remote

Giving you the ability to maneuver and power your FreeFlo tubes with the greatest ease, the FreeFlo Wireless Remote adds the ultimate control and versatility for seed loading. The practical remote is set conveniently in the handle for easy access and reach in the field, or you can detach it to go wherever you go during planting season. 

Quick Hinge

The last thing you want to deal with during planting is lost lids. The QuickHinge keeps lids secure and makes it easier to fill your planter boxes.


Reduce the stop-and-go that results from the constant need to refill your planter boxes. With planter box extensions, you can increase each hopper's capacity by over a bushel, maximizing the number of rows between you and your next fill.

Wanting To Protect Your Seed Investment?

Why of course, you want to protect your inputs. From seed tender to closed furrow, Lundell Plastics has the equipment to ensure your seeds are delivered more intact and ready for the growing season ahead. 

Poly Cupped Flighting

Protect your investment by using a rugged flighting auger that's gentle on seeds. The Lundell Plastics’ Poly Cupped Flighting is a durable, long-lasting replacement to traditional steel augers that will keep your seed intact and your operation running.

FreeFlo Dry Innoculator

The FreeFlo Dry Inoculator can accurately meter all dry materials, such as inoculants, talc, and graphite, making for higher planting accuracy and reduced wear. Seed lubricants or inoculants are common practice, but the FreeFlo Dry Inoculator takes your planting to the next level with evenly coated seeds every time.

The Closer

This closing wheel ensures reliable seed-to-soil contact while eliminating sidewall compaction. Curved tooth design prevents the lifting of the seed. Works in a wide variety of soil types and tillage practices. A non-stick poly design works excellent for in-between" nitrogen applications. Great for no-till and full tillage corn emergence.

Searching For Ways To Protect Equipment?

You're busy during planting season, and it's essential to keep your machinery in tip-top shape and your operation on schedule. A simple solution from Lundell Plastics can ease the wear on vital equipment. 


The HitchSaver is a tough little ring made for abuse. Planting season is busy enough without adding on preventable repairs. The HitchSaver reduces friction between the implement and the drawbar, greatly extending the life of your expensive drawbar.

Find more innovative tips and products at LundellPlastics.com.